The Ultimate Relationship with Dogs

Todays escapades

Today started like any normal day, up early out with the pups for the morning routine. The 4 shepherds ( we can’t leave out the little foster GSD) hit the truck and head to Vestal to get a day of search and rescue training in. We meet up with some Amigo girls and work some outside airscent and cadaver problems. The girls did great and mr Weib got to hang out and meet some cool new people, dogs, and sniff some new smells!



After a quick lunch break its on to building work where i was able to fine tune Emeline’s refind sequence.  My girl is ready to start on the path to certification!! It was a bumpy ride, and one her sister sailed past her in but it has been worth it, Eme has a wonderful bark, a great indication and refind and is an amazing search dog in the making. Now we must balance her airscent work, with getting her ready to IPWADA HRD test this September and of course not leave out her obedience that will be tested in September as well for her certification! Ohhhh boy gonna be a busy summer at the Canine Copilot homestead!

Eme in her group down stay with distractions!

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